Master Mind of Master Minds (MMoMM) General forum

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Master Mind of Master Minds (MMoMM)
  • Hjallti ★ at 2013-07-16

    Last month, while playing my other game, I also was pondering on another game.

    Here it is.


    I will start 3 other threads (MMoMM 1, MMoMM 2 and MMoMM 3). In each of them the task is to search for a Master Mind of history. It is a person that has influenced mankind in a specific way. I used Master Mind but it is not too literary. It could be someone whom is referred to as the best example in a specific situation.

    You search by simply guessing who it is. Each time I 'score' the game I give each guess points (0 to 5) for being close. (see below)

    This gives intel to who it could be. Depending on how the game runs, I might give some cryptic hints but I won't promise that.

    GOAL: Find the mystery person

    TASK: Just give a name (and add some intel if possible) Play only once per period!

    For each person mentionned in the thread I compare him/her with the mystery person in 5 aspects as follows

    1. comtemporary. If both have lived in the same year (as so far we now it, I will try to give always the point in case of real doubt)

    2. same category. categories are: science, politics, religion, sports, literature, musics, movies, arts(excl. previous mentioned)

    3. special interest (the name is not pretty good) This could be the same kind of sports or science or art, but also something more specific.

    4. nation, (country or people) Where they lived or belonged to during an essential part of their lives, can be more countries for the same person. If one country is the same the point is given, note the people who lived ages ago may have lived before the countries existed.

    5. continent of birth. Only one is possible. Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, North America (including Mexico), Latin America (Excluding Mexico and Florida).

    Because the attribution of categories and countries is vague I have to ask you to add what you think is right and to adjust. I will try to keep here a list with my judgements.


    your post could be:

    Albert Einstein: 1. 1879-1955, 2. scientist, 3. physics, WO II. 4. Germany, Switzerland, USA, jew, Italy. 5. europe


    The are 3 kinds of points related to you guess:

    1. comparision points (see above)
    2. plausibility +1: If your guess is still possible in the game
    3. correct +2. (So if you find the right person you get 8 points)


    I only give points for 1 guess per person per period and it is you worst guess whose points you get! don't play twice!

    I will give no points for copies of earlier guesses in the same game, of course

    I will score at earliest a week later than the previous scoring. So this will a slow game! you have time to think and watch this time.

    The game ends when the right person is guessed.

    Finally I will use this tread to keep track of rules and the exact interpretations I use.

  • Art Duval at 2013-07-23

    @Hjallti: It occurs to me that if our goal is to solve each puzzle (as opposed to racking up points for ourselves), then we might want to discuss among ourselves two things: (1) analyze results from each game (the points you awarded for each guess); and (2) strategies for further guesses (much as in ordinary mastermind, where you have to think carefully about what will be your best guess to extract the maximum amount of information).

    Do you think such discussion is fair?

    If so, should we set up a separate forum thread for such discussion, in the thread for each game (I don't like this, since it will make each game hard to analyze if it is cluttered by such messages), in this very thread, or something else?

  • Hjallti ★ at 2013-07-24

    Thanks for asking

    I think discussion in general would be nice (strategy, which persons would a priori likely to occur,

    Game specific discussion I consider unfair or rather inappropriate: there I would like to use the general rule of thumb of the other games: don't discuss unfinished games.

  • Hjallti ★ at 2013-07-26

    I will presumeblay on monday give the results so far for MMoMM1, and maybe, depending on time for 2 and 3. Although I rather wait with them, because the results for the first might be illuminating somehow.

    I will give now samples of possible category and special interest because the name is pretty vague. (the list is just meant as examples)

    2. category: religion, science, inventor, sports, politics, writer, philosopher, music, movies, …

    3. special interest: maths, physics, … ,ecology, French revolution, WWII, cold war, colonialism, … engineer, actor, movie-director, singer, guitar, … and so on, and last but not least 'woman' ('man' I do not consider, but as history tends to forget women, I putted that in)

  • William Fraser at 2013-08-08

    A quick question about Plausibility. Shouldn't “everyone” (i.e. everyone is noteworthy by Wikipedia standards) have been plausible on the first turn.

    I am going to assume that you didn't give any answers a point for plausibility on the first turn of MMMoM 1.

    Are you willing to give more explanation?

  • Hjallti ★ at 2013-08-09

    Yep in first turn everyone (no wikipedia standards rule) get per default the plausibility points. If I have no way to find out the stats of any person I will not use it.

  • Hjallti ★ at 2013-08-09

    By the way I know I am keeping everyone waiting: It might be good to know that I first will examen the second round of MMoMM1 and the next time around the first of MMoMM2. Note the MMoMM1 is not yet finished.

  • William Fraser at 2014-03-10


  • Hjallti ★ at 2014-03-20

    thanks william to bringing this up. I shouldn't have let it wait so long…

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