Scottish referendum General forum

7 replies. Last post: 2014-09-23

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Scottish referendum
  • Black Cat at 2014-09-18


  • Black Cat at 2014-09-18

    Will LG soon have to introduce another flag?

  • terrance806 at 2014-09-18

    very unlikely…no vote will win comfortably

  • mtbikesman at 2014-09-18

    How about a California referendum?  Kick San Francisco and Los Angeles out of the state so the rest of us can run a non-bankrupt state with less corruption and some no-lunatic fringe laws?

  • Oakmoss at 2014-09-19

    Are they really the “fringe” when the two metropolitan areas make up nearly 2/3rds of California's population?

  • Hjallti ★ at 2014-09-20

    I heard in London there were also considerations for leaving the UK :-)

    We just should go to a division in nationality: territorial and cultural, and than everyone would feel better (I did not say 'be better')

    For sports it would be much nicer to have all “countries” competing with 5 to 15 million inhabitants… Scotland plays rugby and football (and cricket I guess) as a nation.

    Having China, USA and Russia split up would make the medal standings of the olympics much more interesting…

  • FingerPuppetsPullToy at 2014-09-23

    If Scotland gets independence will the Duke of Edinburgh become “The Prince formally known as”…

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