Self-fertilising gorillas General forum

4 replies. Last post: 2015-01-15

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Self-fertilising gorillas
  • Richard Moxham at 2015-01-15

    Wondering if anybody agrees with me that LG's notification system for new contributions to Forum threads would benefit from a small adjustment.

    At present, the name in the Author column changes every time a different person posts.  My recommendation would be that the “Author” continued permanently to be the original post-er of the thread.  The timing of the latest post would still alert us to the presence of a new contribution.  Why do we need to know, before we open it, who that contributor is?

    [ FOOTNOTE: What started me thinking about this was (naturally) a self-centred consideration.  Stepanzo, the highest-ranked LG Morelli player, has just posted quite a substantial set of “Beginner's notes on how to analyse positions”.  As the author of the game I'm delighted that he's done this, and so I promptly posted a brief word of thanks.  But now the thread bears my name, not his, which (a) seems unfair to him, and (b) might discourage any reader allergic to that-Moxham-fellow-apparently-banging-on-about-his-own-game-again.  (I might add that I have actually been pm-ed by one LG colleague with a comment that it “would be nice” if I played other games sometimes.) ]

    Anyway, irrespective of the particular present circumstances, what do people think?  Original post-er to retain ownership of his/her thread…?

  • Carroll at 2015-01-15

    Yes I do agree!

    And I'm a bit ashamed to now be the author of  a topic with such silly gorillas oriented theme…

  • Mirko Rahn at 2015-01-15

    just add “created by …” to the topic

  • _syLph_ at 2015-01-15

    Idk, is there a point in knowing the author of let's say “LAST POST new year forum game” who started it back in 2006 or do the recent posters matter more? How about showing both though?

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