Bugged game in soccer, can you please reset it? General forum

4 replies. Last post: 2015-06-18

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Bugged game in soccer, can you please reset it?
  • beppi at 2015-06-11


    In this game there is some nonsense… I am RED but I move YELLOW pieces and RED has no goalkeeper…

    I think the best thing to do would be to reset it to an initial state, would it be possible, please?

  • beppi at 2015-06-11

    [game;id:1711341;title:here is the buggy game]

  • beppi at 2015-06-18

    no chance?

  • Ray Garrison at 2015-06-18

    I had issues in two soccer games, and so I asked Richard to reset the games, and I also opened a ticket at “bugs, improvements…“.  It took two days but he fixed them.

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