wrong place? General forum

7 replies. Last post: 2015-09-07

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wrong place?
  • MisterCat ★ at 2015-09-05

    Boy, am I going to be a pain in the rear now; I see that a whole bunch of people are using the 'general forum' to play ongoing word games.  Perhaps I am off the mark, but is this not why the WORD GAMES forum is there, a few lines below?You see, I don't play these word games, and have little interest in them.  Furthermore, if I DID want to play, I'd still say the games belong in the 'word games' forum.To me, the GENERAL FORUM is about topics that might be of interest to ANYBODY, including politics, movies, this website, etc. etc..  Now, when I look to see what is posted in the GENERAL FORUM, I find the next move in a WORD GAME.So, I'm getting reluctant to EVER look at posts in the general forum!  It is becoming a waste of my time.I really wish you guys would move down.OK, said my piece.  Peace.(meow)

  • terrance806 at 2015-09-05

    I created drop a word add a word game which is currently in its third thread and has had around 1600 posts. The word association game created by someone else has had over 4500 posts. The number of people who have contributed to these games, and others in the past, suggest people enjoy having them in the general forum.

  • MisterCat ★ at 2015-09-05

    You know something, Terrance?  I'm kind of hating to reply to this, because a debate was certainly not my intention.  But since you have volunteered your take (FLAWED, in my opinion), I feel I must reply, as the 'OP'.I have no doubt that LOTS OF FOLKS ARE GREATLY ENJOYING THESE WORD GAMES, including your 'drop a word' game.  But these games would be enjoyed just as much in the 'word games' forum.  I don't think that the QUANTITY of posts in any way implies that the posters are delighted by the game's position in the 'general forum'.  I mean - how, exactly, does that follow??  If you look at the forum list on your left, you will see recent posts in any forum that interest you.  I, for one, never read posts about 'Hex. or 'Street Soccer' or any games in which I have no interest.When I see a post marked 'general', I have a look thinking that it would be a topic of interest to ALL PLAYERS HERE AT LG, and NOT simply the next move in a 'WORD GAME'.That's all that I was saying, and I'm thinking that perhaps you missed my intent completely.  Or, maybe not.mc

  • William Fraser at 2015-09-06

    Speaking as someone who frequently contributes to some of these threads, I agree with MisterCat, they should be in the Word Games forum.

    Next time we re-incarnate them because they have gotten too long (or in the case of Daisy Chain, the next time we close the loop), we should move them.

  • terrance806 at 2015-09-07


    A debate is always fun. A few points:

    1. I think the number of people who play these games does have something to say about which forum they belong in. A large number of individual users suggest these threads have broad appeal, and hence, have a general interest. Indeed, click on the users and you will find many of them do not play word games on this site, such players would not see these games if they were in the word game forum.

    2. While word games might be the most popular, over the years a number of different types of games have appeared in the general forum (e.g. world cup prediction game, new year’s eve game etc), Where do you suggest these games are moved to?

    3. Many of the games die a natural death and disappear from the front page quickly.

    Finally I think popular games bring people together on this site and should be encouraged and front and center in the general forum seems the best place to me.

  • _syLph_ at 2015-09-07

    theres still this “other games” forum with an incredible amount of 5 topics in it, that might be the place for stuff like world cup prediction game.

  • Richard Moxham at 2015-09-07

    And speaking as the person who introduced Daisy Chain, I did so in the General forum purely and simply because that's where the previous word-association thread was and it seemed appropriate to go along with what I assumed was the local custom.

    But I agree that the Word Games forum would be a more natural home for it, and I hope we're all fine with implementing William Fraser's sensible suggestion at the next closed loop.

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