About Shogi General forum

20 replies. Last post: 2016-06-27

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About Shogi
  • Rbpompeu at 2016-04-26

    I don't know if the puritans will get me wrong, but I believe that there should be a ocidental version of the pieces for full Shogi…or, at least, a simplified version of the japanese ideograms…

  • jugular at 2016-04-27

    There is. It's what I see when I'm playing. Not sure if it's a setting somewhere.

  • urmaul at 2016-04-27

    I've seen a printed (or copied) version of Let's catch the lion. With these pieces one can play on a large board too (if you know the rules, unlike me). Don't know if that helps.

  • urmaul at 2016-04-27

    I mean: There were animal versions of all pieces. There were cats and dogs too and maybe more.

  • jugular at 2016-04-27

    If you mean an on the board edition of shogi .


  • Rbpompeu at 2016-04-27

    Jugular and urmaul, I mean a ocidental version in LG!

  • jugular at 2016-05-26

    I see the pieces on LittleGolem as the shogi pieces I linked to from nekomado. Is that what you see or not?

  • Carroll at 2016-05-26

    Maybe you installed this (biggergolem) on Chrome?

  • Rbpompeu at 2016-05-26

    Jugular, I understand your point, but what I meant was that Shogi (in LG) should have the same design of pieces as in Mini-Shogi!

    Shogi has the japanese characters and Mini-shogi chess-like characters.

  • Rbpompeu at 2016-05-26

    Carroll, I've installed the extension but I couldn't see any changes at all…

  • Carroll at 2016-05-26

    Sorry I was not clear. The extension gives you the Japanese characters pieces, so I thought maybe you installed it in the oast and forgot about it. In this case you should remove it to get back to European chess-like pieces…

  • Tori Watson at 2016-06-08

    Rbpompeu I have the same problem, mini shogi shows as westernized pieces, however 9x9 shogi has double Kanji.  I too would like to be able to see westernized pieces as an option, or even single Kanji as I find that much easier to see than double kanji. Did you have any success with changing settings??

  • Tommah at 2016-06-08

    Try my bookmark at http://www.amecy.com/lg_shogi.html .  If it doesn't work, try replacing each instance of background with backgroundImage .

  • Tori Watson at 2016-06-09

    Thanks tommah, I'll try that.

  • jugular at 2016-06-09

    Rbpompeu my point is that I see the same pieces for both Mini Shogi and Shogi. I think I must have a setting somewhere that does that for me.

  • Rbpompeu at 2016-06-11

    Jugular,I can only see westernizes pieces in mini shogi… couldn't find any setting to change that.

  • Rbpompeu at 2016-06-11

    Tori Watson, no success at all…

  • Russ Williams at 2016-06-24

    Before the user interface changed at littlegolem, there was an option to select kanji shogi symbols or Hidetchi's international shogi symbols. Unfortunately the option disappeared in the “new” user interface. People have mentioned this in some other threads, but the option never returns… :/

  • Tori Watson at 2016-06-27

    RbpompeuTommah . Not sure if I used the bookmark correctly Tommah, but I still can't get option to change pieces?

  • Ray Garrison at 2016-06-27

    I changed my preference to Hidetchi pieces before the interface change, and I still have them.  No way to change them back now, but if I can use the optional pieces, then I would guess it should be easy enough to add this preference for all users…..I recommend you send messages to Richard M. if you want to see the optional pieces.  Hidetchi pieces are great!

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