Largest ever littlegolem tournament ?? General forum

7 replies. Last post: 2018-12-03

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Largest ever littlegolem tournament ??
  • Ray Garrison at 2018-11-29

    This “English Draughts”, aka, “checkers” championship section began Nov. 20 with 16 players, and double round robin!  (I think this is the only variation of any game at this site that has a double round robin format instead of single round robin).

    Each player has THIRTY games to play in this championship!   That is 360 checkers per player!

  • Force majeure at 2018-11-29

    Latest hex tournament is close:

  • struggler at 2018-11-29

    Nice! But I saw user tournaments which were divided into groups. Is it the tournament organizer who chooses whether the players will be divided into groups or does it take place randomly/by some mysterious algorithm?

  • apetresc at 2018-12-01

    I don't see any way to split into groups when I create a User Tournament. Maybe the feature existed in the past?

  • KPT at 2018-12-02

    Yes, there are tons of tournament with groups before.

  • apetresc at 2018-12-03

    Innnnteresting. Do you need some sort of special privileges beyond just being a supporter in order to create group-stage tournaments? Because this is all the parameters I have when I create one, nothing about groups or rounds:

  • KPT at 2018-12-03

    I think is the way it is now.I don't remember me choosing type of tournament.

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