List of Lost Tourneys General forum

10 replies. Last post: 2005-01-31

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List of Lost Tourneys
  • Nevermind at 2004-12-19

    In this thread I would like to collect those tourneys which were finished during the 18 hours of server malfunctioning and the results of which are not contained in any statistics – including “Finished tournaments” and “Top 5 Players in Tournaments”.

    If possible, I would like to see a manual restore of the results of this tourney:

    Moreover, I have not received any message about the completion of this tourney. Probably others have not received messages either.

    For those involved in a noble challenge for collecting the most tournament victories in a certain game, this is an important issue :-)))

  • Luriusz at 2004-12-19

    Also points gained in recently finished games are not sumed in tournaments tables. It could affect final standings.

  • Fabian (halti.BSW) at 2004-12-19

    I just won a game in an ongoing tournament where I was missing 2 points in the summed up points collum. I jumped from 0 to 4 points.

    So I guess the database is not corrupted, but the tournament tables are only made up if there are changes. Dont sue me :-).It is just my guess.

    A comment of the gods of this site would be nice.

  • Hjallti ★ at 2004-12-21

    also finished and not recorded….

  • xed_over at 2004-12-26

    but the Sonneborn-Berger points are no longer being calculated

  • Nevermind at 2004-12-29

    Richard, could you help in this?

    i have just heard from sZamBa that two other finished gomoku tourneys are also not included in the official stats, they do not even have a date of finish indicated: and

    moreover, all lost tourneys are also lost on the official monthly cup page, which means that these october tourneys will never be finished and there willnever be a second and third round…


  • orvieto at 2005-01-30

    (second post to call attention to the bug)

    yes this is a serious, lingering problem. the second round of monthly championships cannot start because some first level mc tourneys are not considered finished. for example,


    unless these are manually fixed, there will not be, 2.2 and 2.3

    thus there will not be “September 2004 Champion” at all.

  • Richard Malaschitz ★ at 2005-01-31

    I hope this ok now

  • Krzysztof (Chris) at 2005-01-31

    thanks Richard:)

  • anwi at 2005-01-31

    Thank you Richard for pushing tournaments :)

    I think that problem of unfair usage StreetSoccer implementation bugs is urgent now. Help please!

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