Captured material ... Chess forum

10 replies. Last post: 2007-04-02

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Captured material ...
  • Burton at 2003-03-20

    Can I see somewhere captured material during playing a game?

  • thenewguy at 2003-06-05

    That is a good question. I think that would be helpful especially when you have been away from a game for awhile.

  • Burton at 2003-06-19

    Read any webmaster topics in forum?

  • Andres Villasante at 2007-03-27

    Can we see somewhere captured pieces and/or decimal points color material during playing a game? Sample …(Points if you win +14, If lose -11) etc..

    I think that would be helpful especially when you have been away from a game for awhile. This is a good old question.


  • Greck at 2007-03-27

    andrew, what is decimal points color material? i don't understand the sample, sorry :(


  • Andres Villasante at 2007-03-28

    The Calculation subsection here, which deals only with calculating the decimal expansion, should not be confused with the more general Calculation section at the beginning of the chess article. Obviously thickening the line is going to make the overlap seem greater than it should be, which isn't advisable either. When a numbered list aligns on its decimal points and is designed to allow two-digit numbers, it is called material clearing for 10 – that is, allowing for the possibility that the list numbers will go beyond one digit. I don't think that anyone is saying that all or most chess capture pieces are golden rectangles. I do think that there is something more to the self-similarity than has been captured. Further, there are other compositional reasons for choosing the aspect ratio of a chesss board, the natural scale of the subject depicted being a primary one. Description: In case the input image is a greyscale picture (8 bit) without background pattern, e.g. a monochrome image (not necessarily white), the background will be deleted and the image becomes binary. If the image is already binary (black/white image) no image adjustments will take place. I agree that the colors are not ill-suited to the graphic, I wonder what we could do to improve it. For example, you assign a length value to define the border width, margin and padding, and a color value to define the foreground color, background color and border color.

    The following 16 colors are predefined in the standard board set-up. You can specify their color names directly to capture properties properties. For example, the Capture Material “p {color: blue}” specifies the blue color as the text color of paragraphs.

    Predefined colors in Material value hexadecimal value

    Aqua (0, 255, 255) #00ffff

    Black (0, 0, 0) #000000

    Blue (0, 0, 255) #0000ff

    Fuchsia (255, 0, 255) #ff00ff

    Gray (128, 128, 128) #808080

    Green (0, 128, 0) #008000

    Lime (0, 255, 0) #00ff00

    Maroon (128, 0, 0) #800000

    Navy (0, 0, 128) #000080

    Olive (128, 128, 0) #808000

    Purple (128, 0, 128) #800080

    Red (255, 0, 0) #ff0000

    Silver (192, 192, 192) #c0c0c0

    Teal (0, 128, 128) #008080

    White (255, 255, 255) #ffffff

    Yellow (255, 255, 0) #ffff0

    color = “*\|white\|black\|gray\|purple\|…” – product = Chess DATA –material!XML tag reference ink transparence = “*\|opaque\|semi_opaque\|transparent” –viscosity = “*\|low\|medium\|high” – viscosity.

    You can see somewhere captured material during playing a game THAT’S DECIMAL POINTS AND THE SHAPE COLOR OR THE OBJECT BEEN CAPTURED.

    Anyway . . . I will pursue the other points a bit later. Thanks for keeping the dialogue going (I hope we're not drifting too far off topic tho . . . ). ;o)


  • Greck at 2007-03-28

    Andrew, I think we can set up a percolation subsystem of this kind, instead of the market-triggered isolation your talking about.

    Perhaps the key of this subsection is not define the foreground color, background color and border color but define the mark-up of strings. for example, the Capture Material “p{string:aaaaaabdgfhyyysaddddd}” specifies de range of limits of Hausdorff spaces asociated. Of course, we must be sure that every metric space is Haussdorf. Are we?

    I think it deserves a deeper dialogue.

  • Andres Villasante at 2007-04-02

    Hmm, Gregorio… I disagree with your logic there. Things are designed to fit with how we already have them, with the least possible change to our current{captured material during playing a game} chess board infrastructure.

    Take, for example the car. The horse and carriage was replaced with a horseless carriage. The roads did not change to much immediately.

    There was no infrastructure in the sky, so planes could look however they needed to look to stay in the air.

    There is infrastructure in cities, built around bipedial lifeforms of a certain height with hands featuring opposable thumbs grips and brains that think in a certain way. Thus, the first CHESS PROGRAM will be designed to look like us as much as technologically possible. They will also be initially designed to think like us. Otherwise, they will never 'catch on' and be used very much. A more common example: In most computers, there is a graphics card which has approximately 4 identical parallel CPUs specialized in 1 main calculation which manipulates a 4x4 matrix of 16 numbers. Each row of 4 numbers is x y z and size. Its used for moving and rotating points (like the corners of polygons in games) in 3d. The specialized graphics CPUs can each do that one calculation much faster than the computer's main CPU. Each clock cycle, they do 16 calculations, while the main CPU can only do 1. Human DNA is approximately 3 billion symbols long. Each symbol is 2 bits, 2^2 symbols. 750 megabytes, almost small enough to fit on a CD.

    Despite the obvious speed advantages of specialized hardware, Capture Material; the makers of 3d games could only agree on a short list of standard graphics effects to implement in hardware.

    Chess Games are simpler than the Percolation Subsystem. Most of the game's logic is implemented in software instead of specialized hardware. The Market-Triggered Isolation can use less specialized hardware than that. The more advanced software gets, the less value specialized hardware has.

    Most parts of most software are too complex to implement in hardware because it changes too much. Mark-up's of strings specialized hardware probably does a SIMPLE calculation.

    Its exponentially harder to make specialized hardware for software thats only linearly more complex.

    There will always be advantages to specialized hardware, but better software exponentially beats better hardware. The Market-Triggered isolation would become bored with the limits of any specialized hardware. Human DNA is approximately 3 billion symbols long. Each symbol is 2 bits, 2^2 symbols. 750 megabytes, almost small enough to fit on a CD.

    DNA is such a good language that a programmer with no intelligence (the laws of physics) used it to create the best software on earth (Hu mans! DNA is the simplest programming-language but surprisingly was used to build the most complex software: Humans. It doesnt matter if its atoms or memory in a computer. Software comes in many forms ej, Hausdorff spaces asociated. Its interactions with other atoms is similar to software's interactions with other software. Extremely long chains of cause and effect. DNA has analog computing built-in. Computers simulate analog by representing numbers in binary scientific-notation (1.001101010111010011100110 x 2^00001001101).

    I think it deserves a deeper debug programer dialogue.

  • Andres Villasante at 2007-04-02

    Computer programming languages usually have hundreds of symbols. DNA's 4 is incredibly simple. The Chess Board & and the GO Board both have something similar (4) sides w/capture material. DNA is a programming-language because it is a sequence of symbols that create objects and behaviors. Perhaps the key of this subsection is to define exactly 4 symbols, each a type of molecule and the molecule it pairs with. Human DNA is approximately 3 billion symbols long. Each symbol is 2 bits, 2^2 symbols. 750 megabytes, almost small enough to fit on Chess or Maybe GO 19x19?.


  • Greck at 2007-04-02

    Percolation, when properly used, can be much simpler than a CHESS game or GO 19x19. In fact, the key observation is that near a phase transition or critical point, disturbances occur at all size scales, and thus one should look for an explicitly scale-invariant theory to describe the phenomena. Universality is a by-product of the fact that there are relatively few scale-invariant theories. For any one specific physical system, the detailed description may have many scale-dependent parameters and aspects. However, as the phase transition is approached, the scale-dependent parameters play less and less of an important role, and the scale-invariant parts of the physical description dominate. Thus, a simplified, and often exactly solvable, model can be used to approximate the behaviour of these systems near the critical point.

    when talking about human DNA, one must be aware that the market-triggered isolation is indeed a transitional sequence of symbols; however once we aproximate the critical point of dynamical systems sometimes it is easier to open and close vertices rather than edges. This is called site percolation while the model described above is more properly called bond percolation.

    But I am not sure if we are talking about the same issue…

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