K vs. K Chess forum

10 replies. Last post: 2006-10-14

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K vs. K
  • Dvd Avins at 2006-10-01

    The last game of the championship now has nothing left but kings, but the system doesn't automatically end the game as a draw (which it should). If one of the players doesn't understand English well enough to offer or accept a draw, or otherwise refuses a draw, what happens? Is the 50-move rule implemented? Does the game go on forever?

  • Ray Garrison at 2006-10-02

    I am sure Tosa and Iwan will both agree to the draw soon, those 2000 players can't be that ignorant of the draw offer in a bare King versus King game (can they???) It is the last game in the entire championship (ALL leagues!) So the game is holding up the start of the next championship, so I am sure they will agree to the draw on the next move, right?

  • Ed Collins at 2006-10-03

    Agree to a draw soon? That game's been a theoretical draw for several moves already! Who are these guys?

  • Garyk Kaspik at 2006-10-03

    I think, Tosa and Iwan are both very good chess players and they know what they are doing. Iwan often plays game till the end.

    Ed, do You know Robert “Bobby” Fisher and his games? If yes than the game Tosa-Iwan could not be strange for You.

    I think Rio could to add (if it is possible) formula with automatic draw at the endgames with the kings only (bishop, knights etc.).

  • Henrik Sjøl at 2006-10-03

    I guess some of the players will offer a draw as soon as possible. The players assumed that the game automatically would be declared a draw.

    Theoretical draw (i.e. positions where it is impossible for either part to mate the opponent's king) should of course have been implemented. Such positions are K vs K, K & knight vs K and K & bishop vs K.

  • Ed Collins at 2006-10-03

    Tosa and Iwan may be good players, but based upon the moves they don't know what they are doing. As soon as White played 94.Bxg4 he should have offered a draw and Black should have immediately accepted.

    In fact, White could have sacrificed his bishop several moves earlier and also reached a drawn king and pawn vs. king ending.

    I course I know Robert Fischer. I've played over hundreds of his games. (I'm an OTB tournament chess player and play in tourneys as often as I can. I have a collection of more than 300 chess books. I've been an administrator on FICS and USCL. I'd often rather play chess than eat.) I'm not sure why you bring his name up because although Fischer was known as a fighter, one who disliked talking early draws, he never played out these types of drawn endings where the game was a obvious draw. And even at my level after 94.Bxg4 I can see the game is an obvious draw.

    I agree with Herik that the players probably believed the system would automatically delcare the game drawn once the position reached nothing but kings. But that is still not a excuse for not offering and accepting a draw several moves earlier.

  • Dvd Avins at 2006-10-07

    Ray, I'm sure they're both aware that the game must be a draw. And I'm sure Iwan knows how to offer and accept draws in Russian, and ToSa in Hungarian. I think their history here shows that they both know how in English, but I'm not sure.

  • Robin at 2006-10-07

    Maybe they are sending messages to each other with every move and don't want to finish the game because of that.

    Of course it is possible on LG to send messages to each other without being in a game, but perhaps they both feel that this is easier.

  • Dvd Avins at 2006-10-11

    Well, Iwan is now using vacation days to keep the game going. Either he doesn't understand English well enough or he is very stubborn.

  • Dvd Avins at 2006-10-14


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