How to win in #6 moves? Chess forum

2 replies. Last post: 2006-10-11

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How to win in #6 moves?
  • Wakai Yushi at 2006-10-10

    Hans Bruening wins this game in six moves without touching a piece!! [Technically, Pawns are not pieces.]

    Berlin, 1907


    1 PQ4 PQ4

    2 PQB4 PK3

    3 Kt~~QB3 P~QB4

    4 B~~B4 PxQP

    5 BxKt PxKt

    6 B~~K5 PxKtP

    Black wins. White is helpless against the treats of 7 . . . PxR and 7 . . . B~~Kt5ch winning the Queen.

  • Wakai Yushi at 2006-10-11

    A good solid position must have more than just eye-appeal. White’s game is pleasing in it’s symmetry, but the whole structure collapses before a blow is struck!

    \\\\\* Berlin, 1950 *****


    1. PK4 \| \| PK3

    2. PQ4 \| \| PQ4

    3. KtQ2 \| \| PQB4

    4. KP x P \| \| KP x P

    5. P x P \| \| B x P

    6. KtK2 \| \| QKt3

    A remarkable position. White is faced with a trilemma (choice of three evils).

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