Pond Hockey StreetSoccer

6 replies. Last post: 2011-05-10

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Pond Hockey
  • Richard Malaschitz ★ at 2011-05-09

    Interesting variant of StreetSoccer: Pond Hockey

  • maraca at 2011-05-09

    I would love to see this one, because it seems to be a StreetSoccer variant where luck is reduced. Isn't it?

  • Dvd Avins at 2011-05-09

    It looks very interesting.

  • MRFvR at 2011-05-09

    It seems indeed an interesting variation.

    @maraca - Luck would be drastically reduced if both players would receive the same deck of cards. The decks could be in different orders (then some kuck would still be present). The possible problem with my proposal would be the chance of first player having huge advantage.

  • maraca at 2011-05-10

    @MRFvR in case the first player has a huge advantage the swap rule would work here too. Then the starting player has to make a 'fair' first move.

  • Talizess at 2011-05-10

    @maraca : i think it is less about the first move and more that he is always 1 move in advantage

    I played some games with card decks (3 on each hand) for sure not enough to detect the advantage for the opening player, but enough to see the great dynamic soccer effect gets lost. The moves are more calculated because the positional play is easier.

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