Imminent retirement of Knox Dots and Boxes

1 replies. Last post: 2005-04-21

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Imminent retirement of Knox
  • Knox (Computer) at 2005-04-21

    I've been planning on retiring Knox from active competition as soon as it is finished with all of its games. It's currently still active in the December cup but there is going to be a wait before the third round starts. I'll keep KnoxB active until its rating settles down and then I can compare ratings. But Knox is overated right now! (two victories against Dansgek has recently bumped up its rating by 40 points and even taking that into consideration it may be slightly overatted.). Maybe I'll have to challenge Michael to a few games just so he can beat its rating down.


    Thanks to all of Knox's opponents. I've had fun and

    learned quite a bit more about this game too.

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