No Pieces Breakthrough

7 replies. Last post: 2005-10-15

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No Pieces
  • graff at 2005-10-13

    Is it possible, through remarkable ineptitude on the part of you and your opponet, to have all of your pieces captured and your opponet not have gotten a piece to the back row? If it is possible, what is done if it happens?

  • ypercube at 2005-10-13

    I think it's possible. A very good question, indeed. I would say that the player with no pieces left and therefore no moves available would lose, but, I haven't found anything on the Internet that clarifies this. At Chess it is considered a draw but in most other games when a player has no moves, he loses the game.

  • Carroll at 2005-10-13

    If you allow to pass when no move possible as in Dvonn, then other player will eventually win.

    Did someone think about misère variant where you must be the last to move to win, or have no move left ?

    Would it change the opening? In most misère games it does not as for example reversi or Sprouts (I would like to be able to play Sprouts on LG).

    Anybody ready for 88 moves breakthrough misère game?

  • Greck at 2005-10-13

    In my game #431751 White has no pieces, and thus no possible move available.

    Instead of losing or something I'm going to lose on time (and all my vacation days!).

    So, this is a bug. :-)

  • Micky at 2005-10-13

    Looks like in that game your playing yourself and no white pieces whatsoever.

  • Richard Malaschitz ★ at 2005-10-14

    Control on 'No Pieces' situation added (player with pieces is winner).

  • Greck at 2005-10-15

    thanks Richard! :D

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