Interface for own bot Breakthrough

4 replies. Last post: 2017-03-06

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Interface for own bot
  • Pikachu_c at 2017-03-03

    Hello players and programmers,

    In the next weeks I want to write my own Breaktrought bot and I want to test it at littleGolem. Does anyboy have an interface which can read the game position from little Golem, write in a file, so my bot can read it. Then my bot will make a move, write it in a new file and the inferface can make the move at LG.

    Greeting Chicagos

  • alihv at 2017-03-04

    > an interface which can read the game position from little Golem

    That is super easy, you just pull an URL that looks like this:

    > and the inferface can make the move at LG.

    That is also easy BUT you'll need a cookie so that LG knows who it is.

    The harder part is getting the list of your games on move. (That part of my bot was broken by the LG redesign and since nobody played with it anyway I didn't care to fix it.)

  • Pikachu_c at 2017-03-06

    cool, can you tell me how your bots works?

    I have one which uses alpha-beta search in order to find a move which can force a win within a few moves. If this is impossible, it makes a move which does not lose and get a many pieces as possible (does not care about piece positions). I want to combine it with a Monte-Carlo Search to make better strategic desicions.

  • alihv at 2017-03-06

    Well, the bot played slither which is completely different from breakthrough and it never played well anyway. I'd rather give you a couple of other people's papers on other games:

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