Balance of Captures Einstein forum

8 replies. Last post: 2007-09-15

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Balance of Captures
  • Ingo Althofer at 2007-09-12

    A possible statistical parameter

    in Ewn games is the average number of

    “captures of enemy stones”, “captures

    of own stones” and the ratio of these

    two values.

    A preliminary study (with a rather

    weak computer program) shows that the

    ratio (for board of size 5x5) is near

    to 1.

    My request to the writers of Ewn computer

    programs: Can some of you run series of test

    games (with strong level of play) to learn

    more about the ratio (and its limit for playing

    strength –> infinity)?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  • FatPhil at 2007-09-12

    There's a reasonable corpus of games on LG that you could use.

    e.g. all my games can be found here

    It shouldn't take too long to write a program that simply parses those game dumps, calculates the tallies, and produces a result. For human players it's probably best to ignore their earlier games, as they probably didn't have a clue what they were doing initially.

  • Ingo Althofer at 2007-09-14

    Hi Phil,

    thanks for your feedback.

    > … For human players it's probably best to ignore

    > their earlier games, as they probably didn't have

    > a clue what they were doing initially.

    This problem of fluctuations or changes in playing strength

    is indeed a big problem. Therefore, my request was primarily

    for automatically generated sequences of autoplay games of

    computer programs.

    Greetings, Ingo

  • FatPhil at 2007-09-14

    I've just written a script which will permit me to play my bot at different skill levels head to head against itself.

    E.g. 10 games at skill level 8 versus skill level 12:

    phil@made:EinStein$ time ./h2h.plHits: Blue(8) hit 1 blues, 1 reds; Red(12) hit 3 blues, 3 reds. Winner=redHits: Blue(8) hit 0 blues, 2 reds; Red(12) hit 1 blues, 1 reds. Winner=blueHits: Blue(8) hit 2 blues, 1 reds; Red(12) hit 2 blues, 2 reds. Winner=blueHits: Blue(8) hit 2 blues, 2 reds; Red(12) hit 1 blues, 2 reds. Winner=blueHits: Blue(8) hit 2 blues, 2 reds; Red(12) hit 1 blues, 1 reds. Winner=redHits: Blue(8) hit 1 blues, 4 reds; Red(12) hit 3 blues, 1 reds. Winner=blueHits: Blue(8) hit 2 blues, 2 reds; Red(12) hit 1 blues, 2 reds. Winner=blueHits: Blue(8) hit 1 blues, 2 reds; Red(12) hit 1 blues, 1 reds. Winner=blueHits: Blue(8) hit 2 blues, 3 reds; Red(12) hit 1 blues, 1 reds. Winner=redHits: Blue(8) hit 2 blues, 0 reds; Red(12) hit 1 blues, 3 reds. Winner=blueTotal: Blue(8) hit 15 blues, 19 reds; Red(12) hit 15 blues, 17 redsTotal: 7 blue wins, 3 red winsreal    3m6.063suser    3m2.983ssys     0m0.316s

    Is that useful (in bulk, that is, not just 10 games)?

  • Jörg Günther at 2007-09-15

    > This problem of fluctuations or changes in playing strength

    > is indeed a big problem. Therefore, my request was primarily

    > for automatically generated sequences of autoplay games of

    > computer programs.

    Is it really a problem? It is a valuable resource, I think: analyzing the games of a player over time and observing the capture ratios. This could be connected to the rating chart for some informations how playing strength and captures correlate (the bigger problem is that opponents at LG-games are not randomly choosen and the avaluation would need the opponent strengths which would lead to a incremental process to get values for all players).

    Question: is there a (proofeable) optimal number of captures in EWN (over many games, with optimal play, etc…) and are the capture ratios of a player a good estimate of playing strength?

  • Theo van der Storm at 2007-09-15

    > Question: is there a (proofeable) optimal number of captures in EWN

    > (over many games, with optimal play, etc…) and are the capture ratios

    > of a player a good estimate of playing strength?

    case 1:

    In theory you can calculate statistics across both-sides optimal play for all beginning positions. The result will be one number containing the truth.

    case 2:

    Things are not so clear if you let the optimal player play against non-optimal players. The (e.g. evasive) behaviour of the weaker players could have an effect on the capture ratio of the optimal player.

    Evidently a weak player can have the same capture ratio as an optimal player.

    Assuming you meant case 2 the answer to both questions is NO.

  • Ingo Althofer at 2007-09-15

    To Phil:

    Yes, your “construction” is really useful.

    However, in my eyes it would be most interesting

    when you let rum a whole tournament, say

    10,000 games for “each” level pairing:

    level 8 vs level 8

    level 8 vs level 12

    level 12 vs level 8

    level 12 vs level 12

    (By the way: what has level with search depth to do

    in your program?)

    Thanks in advance for your test series!


  • FatPhil at 2007-09-15

    search depth = [(level + number of taken pieces)/2]

    So level 10, where RoRoRo is currently, starts off as 5 ply. When two pieces are taken, it will kick up to 6 ply; 4 pieces taken moves it to 7 ply; etc.

    I think there might be some bugs with either my script or with RoRoRo itself as far too often the lower level wins! It looks like it might be blue/red dependent too.

    Hmmm, I don't like bugs…

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