Toroidal Go - a pretty ladder in the opening / game #2086841 / undefeated players Go forum

4 replies. Last post: 2019-07-29

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Toroidal Go - a pretty ladder in the opening / game #2086841 / undefeated players
  • Malcolm Schonfield at 2019-06-13

    I noticed a pretty ladder in this game, at move 17.

    It can be reviewed here:

    Just thought I'd mention it :)

    At the moment there are two unbeaten players in Toroidal Go - Paiguru and Crelo. But they're playing a game at the moment so that will change soon.

  • Sighris at 2019-07-28

    Paiguru is undoubtedly a good Go Player (I believe he is, or is close to, a Dan-level Go player on regular 19x19 boards) however he is relatively new to T-Go (& Little Golem), yet he seems to be picking up T-Go very quickly (BTW, I invited him here to give it a try)! So it will be interesting to see how the game GOes… and also when he (& Crelo) play against you and the other top T-Go players (eastknight1999 6.3-Dan, Jos Dekker 3.6-Dan, & Bernhard Herwig 1.3k, etc.).

    Thanks for pointing out the ladder, I will look at it soon… I just got back from a trip to Chicago and Madison WI (where I went to the US Go Congress for two days) and have not been on Little Golem for a month! (I was hardly on-line - only for most urgent communications).

    Anyway, happy summer to you and all my Go / Little Golem friends!

  • Sighris at 2019-07-28

    oh…. Congrats to Crelo for his victory over Paiguru! (by resignation)

  • mmKALLL ★ at 2019-07-29

    This was a very exciting game to spectate, thank you for the link!

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