-68 hours? Game of Empathy

21 replies. Last post: 2011-07-01

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-68 hours?
  • pgadey at 2010-09-19

    Why are we at -68 hours now? This game has been going on forever. Is it because it's a repeat?

  • pgadey at 2010-09-19

    Sorry - By surfing the forums, I realize this a timing deamon problem. Could we get that fixed?

  • Aganju at 2010-09-19

    lol. you must be new here.

    It's a bit like 'world hunger' - could we get that fixed? yeah. maybe praying helps?

    This server is a one-man show, and - nothing against Richard - he doesn't always consider our priorities his priorities.So we can whine in the forums, but chances are small that whatever gets the most whining gets fixed first.

    Still, my success rate so far is better than with praying, keep going.

  • Aganju at 2010-09-19

    oops, SPR-alert! I should have kept my mouth shut about those.

  • somar96 at 2010-09-20


  • Aganju at 2010-09-20

    Sex/Politics/Religion. Never talk about that or you're outing yourself, no matter what you said.

  • slaapgraag at 2010-09-21

    So I can't see i was turned on bij christian Sarah Palin ?

    He, we reached over -100 hours. Celebration!

  • slaapgraag at 2010-09-21


  • somar96 at 2010-09-21

    at last :-)

  • Aganju at 2011-03-07

    we are on the way for it again…

  • Aganju at 2011-06-27


    The only good thing is that I can soon claim I was in first place for six days in a row…

  • somar96 at 2011-06-28

    You aleady can say that. -80.

  • Pessoa at 2011-06-28

    I bet this is a new record

  • somar96 at 2011-06-28

    It was -100 hours once

  • Ingo Althofer at 2011-06-28

    Time is ticking and ticking and ticking, and no end in sight.

    I have started already thinking about adding “Atlantis” to

    my list of islands.

    Yes, I know that it was long ago, but

    the formal end of the round was it, too.


  • MRFvR at 2011-06-28

    hehehe, watch out for Empathy Police! 8-)

  • MRFvR at 2011-06-28

    BTW, Gamanovia is an interesting choice as well!

  • Aganju at 2011-06-28

    Atlantis was not in the Atlantic. It is on Lantea in the Pegasus galaxy! watch more TV!

  • Ingo Althofer at 2011-06-28

    LittleGolem is my TV ;-)

    including channel-hopping

  • Jason Kidd at 2011-06-29

    awesome! -121!

  • slaapgraag at 2011-07-01

    We're back in buisiness!

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