I dont know if this is the right place,so if a word game developer here sees this... Word games

2 replies. Last post: 2015-07-29

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I dont know if this is the right place,so if a word game developer here sees this...
  • FingerPuppetsPullToy at 2015-07-27

    ..I love the unique word games here.I have an idea for a challenging ,relatively simple word game.

    a game board of 6 sided polygons.1 in the center,surrounded by a layer(of 6),this surrounded by a layer(of 12),this surrounded by a layer(of 18).total number of polygons=37

    players on a turn can:place a tile on the boardorswap a tile on the board for one in hand.ormove a tile on the board to a new location.

    points are earned by making a word vertically,horizontally or diagonally.

    play could be over when the board is full or 1 round after this to allow a final move.37 letters and the board is full.how many should be in bag,I'm not sure yet.this game would not drag on too long.

    different coloured letters could allow for 2,3 or 4 players.team play could be possible.

    wild cards may give too much advantage.it could be a variation.

    some feedback would be nice.I would at least like to know if our fearless leader sees this,please.

  • Paul Wiselius at 2015-07-29

    Interesting idea, allthough word games are not my favorite ;-)

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