New Champion, New era Word games

4 replies. Last post: 2005-04-03

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New Champion, New era
  • Indy at 2005-01-27

    Let me be the first to congratulate Abigail on becoming the new GWG Champion. She secured the 8th championship with a record of 10 victories and only 1 defeat, which was far too good for the rest of us.

    I must add that Abigail has all the ingredients to becoming a GWG legend. She has a complete game (i.e. a strong opening strategy, defensive middlegame and tight endgame) and she is able to maintain this quality whilst playing an incredible volume of games.

    Well done and I hope that this is the beginning of many titles. It will take an exceptional player to match her.

    Some of you know that I became a father recently, and I have not been able to give my full attention to many of my games. I apologise for the consequent slow rate of play recently, and I have now decided to take a break from the game completely. I hope to play GWG again in the near future, but I would like to thank all my opponents for all the great games I have played in the past. I will still occasionally be playing Streetsoccer and Twixt, as these games take a lot less time.

    Thanks and best regards,


  • Jordi at 2005-02-07

    Congratulations Abigail!!

  • firenze at 2005-04-02

    Abigail is certainly an outstanding GWG player. i wish she/he reaches 2365 points to surpass Klaus Hussmann's LittleGolem-wide record (in the game of Twixt).

    i am not sure about Abigail's personal qualities, see her/his comment on the imminent death of the Pope, but that is perhaps irrelevant.

  • Tim at 2005-04-03

    Klaus Hußmanns' top rating in TwixT was 2420 points, I think. So 2365 points in GWG wouldn't be enough. :)

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