Havannah Tactics Hex, Havannah

5 replies. Last post: 2008-11-17

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Havannah Tactics
  • jamjam at 2008-11-17


    here: http://www.littlegolem.net/jsp/game/game.jsp?gid=961649&nmove=48

    Q: After white's move, how many stones does it take for black to connect to the two sides in the left (bottom) corner?

    [don't look at the following moves]

    … 4 ?

  • jamjam at 2008-11-17

    [scroll down for solution]

























































    5 minus 2 = 3 black moves (white defends 2 times)

  • jamjam at 2008-11-17

    ok, a second solution is also possible: 4 minus 1 = 3, putting one black stone in the corner, white must also defend once (after 4 black moves)

  • jamjam at 2008-11-17

    Problem 2:



    After white move, if black now takes top corner, can black win?

    If not what are the next 3 moves (white black white)?

  • jamjam at 2008-11-17
























































    Solution (Problem 2):


    Black can not win (in a few moves).

    For White to take left(upper) corner is wrong, because black wins the game by taking top/right side now (then, connect 3 sides).

    Correct answer is (3 moves):

    white threaten to cut at C9, black connects, white takes/blocks upper/right border;

    if black now takes left(upper) corner it becomes a runnig fight towards left (bottom) corner …

    (black does not win)

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