Far more Hex players now..? Hex, Havannah

7 replies. Last post: 2016-01-07

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Far more Hex players now..?
  • Philip at 2009-10-19

    Hi all, I was just looking at the List of Players for Hex from the main page of LG and, if memory serves, I think the number of players has gone up by ~50%!!

    That is, there used to be ~24 pages of players (with 20 players per page, that hasn't changed), and now there's 35 pages worth.

    Where did all these new players come from all of a sudden… does anyone know? Or is my memory just way off here..?

  • isometry at 2009-10-19

    I think the list used to contain only players who had logged in during the last 60 days. Now it appears to contain players who have not logged in for quite some time.

  • Philip at 2009-10-19

    Ah, that makes sense. Thanks isometry.

  • Arek Kulczycki at 2015-12-23

    I knew I would find a thread like this!

    Where have the players gone now? Such a beautiful game as Hex deserves more.We've got least participants in a championship since 2003. Prognosis for next is poor. Other games the same though.

    People seem to be moving away from board games or is it just LittleGolem?

  • mmKALLL ★ at 2015-12-23

    Perhaps the ratio between incoming players and outgoing players is lower than before.

  • Bill LeBoeuf ★ at 2016-01-07

    Hex is the worlds most logical and beautiful mathematical game with the simplest rules and intricate complexity of play.  I am grateful that Little Golem exists so that those of us that know this can appreciate Hex together, small though our number may be.  And thanks to Nobel Prize winner John Nash for co-creating Hex and popularizing it amonst mathematicians.

  • Tom Ace at 2016-01-07

    I was playing in 13x13 monthly cups but I can't now because they are only available in 11x11.  The players I've discussed this with all prefer 13x13 over 11x11.  I hope LG returns to fully supporting 13x13.

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