Ladder Puzzle on HexWiki Hex, Havannah

6 replies. Last post: 2015-12-19

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Ladder Puzzle on HexWiki
  • Sean Pek at 2015-12-18


    It is mentioned that 1.e5   is a winning move. However, what if the response was 2.d8/2.e7 , can anyone elaborate why it's still winning?

  • na_wspak at 2015-12-18

    After 1.e5 2.d8:

    3.e6 (conected either to c8 or to f7)

    After 1.e5 2.e7:

    3.d7 (immiediate connection)

  • Sean Pek at 2015-12-19

    Ah. I must be stupid. Thanks for clarifying.

  • David J Bush ★ at 2015-12-19

    I'm glad someone was able to read that. In my Firefox browser, I saw:

    Maybe my Linux Mint OS is missing some font?

  • Art Duval at 2015-12-19

    David:  Did you try highlighting the entire text of Sean Pek's original message?  I think perhaps he is using something like a white or clear font.  I presume this was to hide the answer from anyone who didn't want any spoilers.  My apologies if you already thought of this, and it doesn't work.

  • David J Bush ★ at 2015-12-19

    Think? Why should I do that? It's Saturday.

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