new analysis feature for twit! TWIXT PP

5 replies. Last post: 2010-11-05

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new analysis feature for twit!
  • Ray Garrison at 2009-05-31

    A new link appears on your twixt games to an analysis page! Thank you Richard!

  • David J Bush ★ at 2009-05-31

    And thanks to Alan Hensel for creating the analysis site!

  • Alan Hensel at 2009-05-31

    Wow. My site is famous now. I wonder if there's a way to piggyback on LG's user authentication.

  • Alan Hensel at 2009-05-31

    I would like to add that, despite the title of this post, Twixt Commentator isn't just for twits.

  • maraca at 2010-11-05

    I like the commentator (especially for analyzing games), nice work. Using the commentator today and clicking on main page I had an idea:

    If you would make a hall of fame or something like this, in which are especially nice games with meaningful comments, the commentator would become even much more educational. As beginner (or as one interested in ideas behind moves) you can just browse those gems and don't have to look for good games in the (very long) list of games.

    It's also more inspiring if you know your comments to some games might be read sometimes in the future and not forgotten, so one would be more willing to write good comments.

    Maybe a “like” button with counter would be already enough, so you can order games by “likes”.

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