Real life meeting and Twixt turnament TWIXT PP

12 replies. Last post: 2012-08-15

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Real life meeting and Twixt turnament
  • Thierry Pertuy at 2011-12-09


    I Repost my message …

    How about meeting in real life for a weekend ? Could be nice to meet, and play Twixt, of course!

    This post serves as a survey to find out who would be interested in such an event

    I know a place in Alsace (France) which can accommodate up to 50 people.

    For those who would come from far away, the weekend could be an opportunity to extend the stay for a holiday, because Alsace is a wonderful area !

    Please let me know if you'd be interested !


  • Klaus Hußmanns at 2011-12-09

    Hi Thierry, it's a nice idea. But I would prefer a town with an international airport. Maybe the next MSO in London, or Frankfurt or Berlin.

  • klaashaas at 2011-12-09

    Alsace sounds nice. I would love to come there to play go, othello, hex, havannah, amazons, slither and yes, even twixt!

    (2012 is littlegolems' 10th anniversary year:)

  • Thierry Pertuy at 2011-12-09

    @Klaus : Eintzheim international airport is 70 kms from the place I'm looking for. Karlsruhe's one is 100 kms. On one hand you may think this is far away and you need to rent a car. On the other hand, this is in a quiet small village surrounded by wonderful forests and surmounted with an old castle, and the rooms are not expensive (actually, I may be able to offer them if we meet in the place I'm thinking to).

  • Klaus Hußmanns at 2011-12-09

    I have no problems to come to Eintzheim. But I fear, that it is difficult for a lot of other players to meet us there…

  • lorentz at 2011-12-09

    Is the place you are thinking of anywhere near Bergheim, which just happens to be near the Lorentz Winery. :)

  • Tasmanian Devil at 2011-12-10

    I like Klaus' suggestions London/Frankfurt/Berlin and klaashaas' suggestions for multiple games. I might show up.

  • Mirko Rahn at 2011-12-10

    I'm in. Alsace is fine, Frankfurt would be fine too. Berlin or London are probably to far away.

  • Thierry Pertuy at 2011-12-17


    Seems that there are no many people who are interested.

    So far :

    - 3 are interested in such a meeting in Alsace (Klaus Hußmanns, Klaashaas, Mirko Rahn)

    - 2 are interested in a more global event in an international town (Klaus Hußmanns, Tasmanian Devil) : I think this is the purpose of the MSO.

    Since the place I am thinking to can accommodate up to 50 people, let's say that we need to be at least 20/25 to meet there. Seems difficult to gather so many Twixt players. Nevertheless, I'm waiting for other responses till the beginning of 2012.

    Then, if not enough people are in, well, I think that we'll have to wait for the MSO or to meet in a smaller place.


    @Richard Lorentz : The village I was thinking to is Lichtenberg

  • Florian Jamain at 2012-08-14

    Very good idea Thierry !

    But, I think, you have to extend this to all the games of littlegolem, not only Twixt if we want a lot of people.

    I'm in Alsace right now !

  • David J Bush ★ at 2012-08-14

    Not necessarily all LG games, but some other popular game might help. There was a Go tournament in Frankfurt which Tom Verbeek tried to add Twixt to a few years ago. Unfortunately it didn't turn out well, but the concept was a good one IMO. I ran a Twixt tournament in Lancaster, Pennsylvania USA once as part of a larger game convention. And of course the MSO happens soon in London. There was an informal Twixt “meeting”: in New York City last year at some restaurant. I regret I cannot even afford to visit NYC this year, but maybe things will be different in 2013.

  • FatPhil at 2012-08-15

    I'd be well up for a golemathon somewhere in northern or eastern europe. Games have always been social passtimes and whilst it's great to be able to play remotely, I think nothing beats actually being social.

    Oddly, I'm in the London area during the MSO, but as the only discipline I know how to play is the one that I have precisely no ability in (namely twixt, sorry), I decided not to include it on my schedule.

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