video: Twixt game set to music TWIXT PP

2 replies. Last post: 2013-10-31

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video: Twixt game set to music
  • David J Bush ★ at 2013-03-01

    I turned game “731000”: between Klaus Hussmanns and myself into a sort of “music video”: with Plastic Boy's original mix of “Twixt.” Klaus swapped my first move as white, and I show this in the video by turning the pieces box 180 degrees. As a result, the board position is a mirror image of the LG display, reflected on the A1-X24 diagonal, and the colors are reversed.

    I recommend you select 720 resolution or the highest your Net connection can handle. A “discussion”: of the endgame position is on the analysis site, although the position is a mirror image with colors reversed also.

  • Flemming Jensen at 2013-10-31

    Hello David

    Realy nice. Thanks.

    Regards Flemming

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