Mister Cat resigning all games in HNY2014 tournament TWIXT PP

6 replies. Last post: 2014-01-06

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Mister Cat resigning all games in HNY2014 tournament
  • MisterCat ★ at 2014-01-03

    Hi guys; I don't know if any of you work 6 days a week, 14 hours a day, like I do now. Nonetheless, I realize that I can't keep up now, with my schedule. I was happy to enter the current 'Happy New Year' tournament, but will be resigning all of my games. A few of them are deep enough to cost me rating points; no matter. One of them I've already lost, fair and square.

    I wish everybody a Happy 2014. I will continue to try to keep a few games going at this site, but must adjust my priorities now. Sorry about the crosstable.

    I will add that on 12/31/13 I was SO HOPING that the system here would have broken the 13 player field into 2 sections. I believe I could have handled that. I can't tell you how totally bummed out I was to see a 13 player round robin! This might be fun for some, but was poison for me.

    Enjoy. (meow)

  • Tommah at 2014-01-04

    Good luck with your work! I used to sign up for a bunch of tournaments and then forget about them, so overnight I would go from having 20 games to having 150 games… keeping up with too many games is like a job unto itself.

  • jds at 2014-01-04

    Been there - we understand; it's fine. But consider just playing for fun, not to win… one minute per move, whatever crosses your mind first. Can't hurt your rating any worse than resigning everything, and might be relaxing after a long day.

  • MisterCat ★ at 2014-01-04

    jds: interesting idea, and I might try sometime; however, I'd be concerned that lackadaisical play might not be fair to my opponents, who presumably are looking for a challenge.

  • dougforte at 2014-01-04

    Thanks for letting us know, not just disappearing. I hope work goes well.

  • mtbikesman at 2014-01-06

    Hmmmmm Since when did work become more important that Twixt?

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