The biggest knot TWIXT PP

19 replies. Last post: 2011-11-07

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The biggest knot
  • beppi at 2004-04-19

    Is there anyone that has a personal VERY COMPLEX game, in which there are a number of knots, crossings, up and downs? I'd like to see who's able to present the most intricated one 8-)


  • beppi at 2004-04-20

    This ongoing game is my personale example :-)

  • beppi at 2004-04-20


  • David J Bush ★ at 2004-04-20

    Please define your terms. I think I know what a “crossing” is; there are two link crossings in your example. But what is a “knot” ? What is an “up” ? What is a “down” ? In order to give you examples of these, I would like to know what they are. Thanks.

  • beppi at 2004-04-24

    I really don't know, I didn't want to make a precise definition. Mine was rather a game to find some position with many pins and many lines very close to each others.

  • Juha at 2004-04-30

    Beppi, what do you think about this:

    Is this near something you meant? It's quite zig-zag… :)

  • Tasmanian Devil at 2005-02-28

    How about this one :-D

  • Pit at 2005-02-28

    Lol - that looks to me like modern art.

  • Tim at 2005-02-28

    Pit, remarkably modern indeed! By the way, has anybody ever tried to draw a picture using Little Golem's TwixT engine? You can use black and white dots and black lines as well. That should at least allow for some rudimental drawings. :)

  • technolion at 2005-03-07

    Pit, you're alive! Can we hope to have you back as an active player soon?

  • Tasmanian Devil at 2011-04-01

    This appears to be a big knot: Game 1283849.

  • jds at 2011-04-03

    Tim, I have done a couple abstract twixt drawings, but not using the LG engine.

    See this forum topic.

  • pete99 at 2011-07-29

    I am glad that Tasmanian Devil found Game 1283849. I was thinking of that one myself. :-)

  • Robert Irvin at 2011-11-06

    How about this one? This is the first time I ever got Bill to resign :-)

  • Tasmanian Devil at 2011-11-07

    Sounds like a nice achievement, however there is not a single crossing. ;-)

  • elroy at 2011-11-07

    @ Robert Irvin I am impressed not with the complexity of the game but the sheer tedium it must have been for you to play it. I am just curious why you continued the game when you could have completed the links across your lines at any time. Has anyone ever tried to explain the concept of Twixt to Bill or is Bill a bot? I don't get it. Don't get me wrong, it is all very impressive in its own way, I just don't understand the why of it.

  • Got Twixt at 2011-11-07

    I have never seen bill resign a game, that's impressive just by itself. Bill probably just got annoyed with Robert toying with him for so long.

  • Robert Irvin at 2011-11-07

    I've only been keeping a few games going at a time. I figured if BIll didn't want to end the game, why should I? They didn't require any thought so I could easily just send a move back everytime he made one.

  • elroy at 2011-11-07

    I see, it was a subtly psychological experiment then. I wonder if Bill saw it the same way; seeing how long you would keep responding to his pointless moves. I can see a certain fascination in it if I look hard enough. : ]

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