Brutal joseki TWIXT PP

4 replies. Last post: 2014-09-12

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Brutal joseki
  • David J Bush ★ at 2014-09-12

    I posted a brief article on “BoardGameGeek”: about an interesting corner battle I encountered in a real time game on Game Center. Please shoot holes in my analysis. This is the sort of position I believe Maciej knows instantly, but it was new to me.

  • Florian Jamain at 2014-09-12

    Nice variation.

    But what about the classical s22 at the beginning instead of r19 ?

  • David J Bush ★ at 2014-09-12

    Thanks for pointing that out! 1.S22 2.S16 looks good, or 1.Q18 2.Q21 and I would be amazed if that actually works. I posted more images in the same thread.

  • MisterCat ★ at 2014-09-12

    This was a very instructive (and entertaining) game analysis, David, and I read through every panel!  That you calculate these lines in a LIVE game astounds, in that I can spend DAYS analyzing a Twixt position and OCCASIONALLY come up with a line similar to those shown.  However, now that I'm privy to EXACTLY HOW YOU THINK, I'm certain to smear you next time we play! (roar)

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