humans vs. computers at amazons Amazons forum

8 replies. Last post: 2005-01-15

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humans vs. computers at amazons
  • Bram Cohen at 2004-10-18

    Does anyone know whether the best humans are better than the best computers at amazons? I just played a bit against amazong, and really struggled against it, but I'm not very good.

    My guess would be that the best humans obliterate the best computers, given that although I struggle against amazong I can at least hold my own reasonably, while against the best humans it's hardly even a contest. Would any of the good humans care to offer an opinion?

  • Jules at 2005-01-11

    I was wondering the same. I was able to win on the beginner setting, but with five second turns I am soundly beaten every game.

    Lots of fun, at any rate. I'm still wondering about the scoring system.

  • Michael Engels at 2005-01-15

    Do i have to sacrifize something to play against the computer? It just keeps playing against himself and if i click on 'computer' on the top right or the button to the left nothing happens…

  • Tasmanian Devil at 2005-01-15

    Click on the “human” button for the colour you want to play. Change settings for the computer's settings if you like, and start a new game.

  • Michael Engels at 2005-01-15

    I love Java. Maybe you can show me the

    human button on :))

  • Tasmanian Devil at 2005-01-15

    Hmmm, maybe not. :-)

    Try this address instead:

  • Michael Engels at 2005-01-15

    This is the URL i'm using. I think i should write Jens a message…

  • ypercube at 2005-01-15

    The button is on the top right. Computer and Human. Two rows, two “buttons” at each row. Perhaps a not updated Java version, you are using?

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