List of games

List of games [Shemp Duchamp] [Dots and Boxes]
Game Opponent Rating Tournament Moves Result
#1844558  mr_yo   1500.0  Dots and Boxes Size 5x5  38  win 
#1420266  mr_yo   1500.0  Dots and Boxes Size 7x7  66  lost 
#1413256  mr_yo   1500.0  Dots and Boxes Size 4x4  25  win 
#996211  RoRoRo the Bot   1376.9  Dots and Boxes Size 5x5  40  lost 
#995363  RoRoRo the Bot   1376.9  Dots and Boxes Size 5x5  41  lost 
#995335  RoRoRo the Bot   1376.9  Dots and Boxes Size 5x5  35  lost 
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