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April 2009


Submitted by christian freeling on Thursday, 09 April 2009

There’s an unexpected epilogue to the essay below and this time it is documented as well as possible, including the context: in the first half of April 2009 I’ve been working on dutch translations of the rules of games at iGoogle Game Center. This unexpectedly triggered the ‘autoshaping’ of a game and it shows the way the majority of my games were conceived. I’m sticking my neck out with this one, not as a provocation but as an illustration: this is how it happens.

A late arrival


HanniBall ©

HanniBall implemented as a Zillions Game

Submitted by christian freeling on Monday, 27 April 2009

Ed van Zon implemented HanniBall for Zillions.

HanniBall --- A late arrival

HanniBall @ Zillions - screenshot

HanniBall ©

New simple word game: QUENTIN

Submitted by Richard Malaschitz ★ on Saturday, 18 April 2009


I invent very simple word game. It can be played with any number of players. First player start game with any 2-letters word. These 2 letters are stack of letters. Next player must add some letter to this stack of letters and create new (and unused) word from these letters. And so on. If is not possible create a new word, player must cross out first letter (or more) from stack.
Player can cross max 8 letters (or less for shorten game). Player who cross 9th letter is out. Last player in game is winner.

Example of game (three players, 3 point game):

1. IT [it] - Adam’s move

2. BIT [itb] - Bob’s move

3. BITS [itbs] - Cyril’s move. On stack are now letters: I, T, B, S

4. BEST [tbse]- Adam was not able create new word from all letters. He crossed out letter ‘I’ and add letter ‘E’.

5. USE [seu] - Bob crossed 2 letters and add letter ‘U’.

6. USES [seus]

7. ISSUE [seusi]

8. ISSUES [seusis]

9. ISSUED [eusisd]

10. SIDE [isde] Adam is now out of game. Bob has still 1 point and Cyril 2.

11. IN [in] Because Adam is out, next player – Bob – start with new 2 letters word.

12. WIN [inw]

13. NOW [now] It was Bob’s last strikeout.

14. KNOW [nowk]

15. KNOWN [nowkn]

16. KNOWS [owkns]

17. SON Bob is out. Cyril is winner.

On is flash version of this game.