Spanish grammar? General forum

4 replies. Last post: 2023-04-14

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Spanish grammar?
  • David J Bush ★ at 2023-04-03

    I tried to tell an opponent “I hope you enjoy the game.” The machine gave me

    Espero que disfrutes del juego.

    with alternatives

    Espero que disfrute del juego.
    Espero que disfruten del juego.
    Espero que disfrutéis del juego.

    All because the English “you” is so ambiguous.

    Please, which one is correct? Thank you.

  • psikonauta at 2023-04-03
    1. Espero que disfrutes del juego. (2nd person singular, informal)
    2. Espero que disfrute del juego. (2nd person singular, formal)
    3. Espero que disfruten del juego. (2nd person plural, formal)
    4. Espero que disfrutéis del juego. (2nd person plural, informal)

    Both 1 and 2 are correct. Formal versions are the “usted” forms and they also depend on country or region within country, but everyone understands both.

  • David J Bush ★ at 2023-04-03

    Thanks for your time!

  • Tim Shih ★ at 2023-04-14

    Perhaps, in English, more logically clearly, we say, “Thanks for having spent your time!” :) Hello, David, my Hex teacher.

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