Longest games Einstein forum

9 replies. Last post: 2021-05-28

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Longest games
  • Andrey at 2021-05-27


    I have noticed that one of my recent champ 3-points game counted 107 moves. Which is quite above of average.

    I did prompt random research and found that indeed 3-points games are rarely counted more than 100 moves.

    Current high record which I have seen is 110 moves - Luiser game back to 2006 Share your thoughts and records, not only in 3-points game.

  • opmp at 2021-05-27

    for 50 point games look here:


  • Paul Wiselius at 2021-05-27

    I lost a 50 point game with Jonny, 49-50 in 1687 moves

  • Ray Garrison at 2021-05-27

    Paul's game beats my longest game by 1.  I had two games with Jonny from same tournament, I won one in 1684 moves and lost one in 1686 moves!  My longest 3 point game is 108 moves

  • Ray Garrison at 2021-05-27

    What is the mathematically lonest possible game for a 3 point game?

  • Carroll at 2021-05-27

    159 for a 3-points game, which I lost: https://www.littlegolem.net/jsp/game/game.jsp?gid=654102.

    But that was misère….

    I had a 1675 50-points game against FatPhil https://www.littlegolem.net/jsp/game/game.jsp?gid=1453387.

  • Carroll at 2021-05-27

    I would say longest game is 5*79=395.

    If you manage to cross pawns without taking them, 3 pawns will have taxicab distance 6, 2 distance 7 and 1 distance 8 for a count of 40, but 2nd player will only play 39 moves…

  • Carroll at 2021-05-27

    Afterthought, after 40 moves from Red and 40 moves from Blue, there is a red pawn in a5 and a blue one in e1, and red needs a 81st move to win.

    The crossing is possible without taking except on a5 and e1 if one player goes through south and the other through north.

    So the longest game is 5x81 or 405 moves long with wins from Red-Blue-Red-Blue-Red, for a score of 3-2 for Red.

  • opmp at 2021-05-28

    Longest 1- Point Game: 28

    Shortest 1-Point Game: 7

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