gO ratings Go forum

4 replies. Last post: 2003-03-16

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gO ratings
  • ghardh at 2003-02-22
  • ghardh at 2003-02-22

    It is stated that Go ratings at Golem are based on usual ratings 0 … 9999. Is there a formula of the relation?

    What is the corresponding rating for 20k or 1d e.g.?

    Is there a way to see the related rating?

  • Dvd Avins at 2003-02-22

    The usual system you refer to as 0-9999 is confined to that range only by convnetion. It could, if there were no arbitrary rules to stop it, go negative. And it can theoretically, at least in the chess federation systems from which it is copied, go higher without bound.

    I guess more to the point, you could shift everybody's rating up 1000 points or down 1000 points, and you would still have the same system. It's based only on the *differences* between ratings, not on the ratings' actual value.

    So a transaltion from a go rating to a specific number would be arbitrary. What *wouldn't* be arbitrary, and what I'm also curious about, is how broad a rating range each go level represents.

  • Dvd Avins at 2003-03-16

    The rating span within one rt tournament class in non-go games is 200 points. The rating span in go is 4 levels. So most likely 1 level is equivalent to 50 points here.

    I know at least one other server uses 100 Elo-like points per level.

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