SGF format problem Go forum

8 replies. Last post: 2003-07-04

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SGF format problem
  • Antoine at 2003-06-03

    Hi everybody

    I'm probably not the first, but I noticed an error with the SGF generation function : the handicap stones are not set at the beginning of the game (they don't appear when viewing with JaGo or other software).

    For exemple, for a 4 stones handi, the file should contain

    B[dd][pp][pd][dp] instead of B[], and also include HA[4] in the headers (though it doesn't seem to be necessary).

    Anyway, congratulations for this great site !

  • Dvd Avins at 2003-06-03

    Indeed you're not the first, but it's good to point it out every now and again so that new folks know it. Also, the komi isn't included in the SGF.

    The missing handicap stones can be a bigger problem for Jago in some positions. Most of the time you can just add the stones in the position you've loaded. But sometimes the handicap stone is part of a chain which has been captured. And sometimes White's capturing move would be illegal suicide if the star point was still providing a liberty for Black. (That happened to me in one of my first games here.) In that case, Jago will skip the White move that it believes to be illegal, leaving a position veey different from the one actually on the board.

    Another thing new folks may want to know, is that Little Golem uses a non-standard arrangement when Balck gets a 3-stone handicap. The stones then are two diagonally opposite corners plus the center.

  • Foul Ole Ron at 2003-06-04

    I've created a little utility to transform LG's SGF files. You can just paste the sgf (as given by the 'TXT' link) into it, and it will add handicap and komi, and save the game with the player's names as filename.

    It was originally made to convert ItsYourTurn's Go and Reversi PGN files to SGF, and it still does that, too.

    If you're interested, mail to

    foul_ole_ron1[at]yaho[dot]kom (modify the e-mail the obvious way).

  • Dvd Avins at 2003-06-05

    How can it know what handicap to add?

  • Foul Ole Ron at 2003-06-05

    It can't. You enter the handicap in a text box.

  • Jean at 2003-07-02

    Sorry for the basic question, but how do I write out a GO game in SDF format?


  • klaashaas at 2003-07-02

    Jago can do that. You can also write comments with each moves and Jago includes them in the SGF.

  • Tim Brent at 2003-07-04

    GoWrite2 does as well. They oughta include all the info though..also,how do you edit in that a player resigned?

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