OSKI now has +2.5 point komi for black (player 1) Word games

1 replies. Last post: 2021-04-22

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OSKI now has +2.5 point komi for black (player 1)
  • metzgerism at 2021-04-22

    New OSKI games (including the newest championship) now have a 2.5 point komi applied to black (player 1). Please be aware of this in your games.

    OSKI has a pretty clear and documented second-turn advantage that manifests in two ways:

    - White (player 2) has access to an additional letter every single turn. In the first half of the game, this typically gives a 2-3 point advantage.

    - White (player 2) has the final turn of the game, so they know exactly the length word that they need and can spend 10 days looking for it.

    This change is meant to offset the “more letters” advantage and put more pressure on white (player 2) - between two well-matched opponents, white should be behind on the scoreboard for the entirety of the game, save the end. As in Go, the komi is a half-point value to break ties, but also clarify White's final turn and remove draws as an option.

    The 2.5 point number is a hunch based on player opinion and some analysis, but doesn't really address the last-turn advantage present. We'll see how this works for now.

    Thank you Richard for implementing this - I like this game a lot, and this change only serves to improve it.

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