Connect6: which color is better? Gomoku, Connect6

2 replies. Last post: 2006-04-19

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Connect6: which color is better?
  • Nathaniel Watson at 2006-04-19

    I feel a bit more comfortable with black, as black seems to have a slightly better initiative in most openings. Any opinions?

  • ondik at 2006-04-19

    yeh, nice insight, in my opinion black has better start position than white, i haven't found any really good first white moves yet. Placing first move even a little far from the black means loss, close move means positional disadvantage.

    But we're playing it just about month, so there might be things we can't see now :)

    I think that would be productive if finally starts some online server, good would be also some modification of Renlib to record the games and making own analysis

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