[Event "Tournament null"] [Site "www.littlegolem.net"] [Blue "John R"] [Red "RoRoRo the Bot"] [Result "0-1"] 1. [541632,415263] 1/c5-d4 3/e3-d3 2. 6/a4-b3 1/d1xc1 3. 6/b3-c2 2/e2xd3 4. 2/a3-a2 4/e1xd2 5. 1/d4xd3 3/d2xc2 6. 2/a2-b2 5/c2-b3 7. 1/d3-e2 2/b3-a4 8. 2/b2-c2 4/a4xa5 9. [365124,431265] 3/a5xb4 4/e1xd1 10. 2/b4-c3 2/e2xe3 11. 2/c3xd2 6/d1xd2 12. 4/a3-b3 5/d2-c3 13. 6/b5-c4 6/c3-b4 14. 4/b3-c3 6/b4-a5 15. [642135,436215] 3/b4-c4 1/d2-c3 16. 1/a4-b3 4/e1xe2 17. 3/c4xc3 4/e2-d2 18. 1/b3-c2 3/d1xc2 19. 5/a3-b2 2/c2-b3 20. 6/a5-a4 1/b3xa4 21. 1/c5-d4 5/e3-d3 22. 6/b2xc1 5/d3-c4 23. 4/b5xc4 2/a4-a5 0-1 [Event "Tournament null"] [Site "www.littlegolem.net"] [Blue "RoRoRo the Bot"] [Red "John R"] [Result "1-0"] 1. [152436,143562] 4/a4xb4 6/d2-d3 2. 2/c5-c4 3/c1-b1 3. 1/a5xb5 1/e1-d2 4. 3/b4-c3 2/e3-d4 5. 2/c4xd3 4/d1-c2 6. 4/c3xd2 1/d4-c4 7. 5/d2-e1 [243651,162543] 5/e2-d3 8. 6/a4xb4 1/e1xd2 9. 6/b4-c3 4/d3xc3 10. 1/a3-b3 6/d1-c2 11. 4/b5-c4 5/c3-b4 12. 5/c4-d3 3/e3xd3 13. 1/b3-c3 6/c2xc3 14. 3/c5-d4 5/b4xa5 15. [624513,261345] 1/b4-c3 5/e3-d4 16. 2/b5xc5 6/d1xd2 17. 3/a3-b3 4/d4-c4 18. 4/b3-c2 1/c1xc2 19. 2/c5xc4 2/e1xd2 20. 5/a4-b4 2/d2xc3 21. 1/c4xc3 6/e2-d3 22. 6/a5-b5 6/d3-c4 23. 1/c3-d2 5/c4xb5 24. 2/d2-e1 [612345,531246] 6/e3-d4 25. 1/b5xc5 3/d1xd2 26. 1/c5xd4 1/c1-b1 27. 2/d4-e3 1/b1-b2 28. 1/e3xe2 3/d2-c3 29. 1/e2xe1 1-0 [Event "Tournament null"] [Site "www.littlegolem.net"] [Blue "John R"] [Red "RoRoRo the Bot"] [Result "0-1"] 1. resign 0-1 [Event "Tournament null"] [Site "www.littlegolem.net"] [Blue "RoRoRo the Bot"] [Red "John R"] [Result "1-0"] 1. [431562,124356] 3/b5-c4 resign 1-0