Ladder tournament Go - Size 37x37

Tournament Table
Order Player Challenge Defense Last games
1. Eönwë 14. kyu Scott Arnold Hawk3d won with varegka won with Scott Arnold lost with Scott Arnold won with eastknight1999
2. Bernhard Herwig ★ 14. kyu won with Zandor won with Scott Arnold won with PZumai lost with Hawk3d won with eastknight1999
3. Scott Arnold 13. kyu Eönwë lost with Bernhard Herwig ★ lost with Eönwë won with Grummbunger won with Eönwë won with fraprot
4. Hawk3d 13. kyu Eönwë Zandor won with Bernhard Herwig ★ won with PZumai won with Grummbunger won with eastknight1999 won with eastknight1999
5. varegka 13. kyu tasuki lost with Eönwë lost with betterlife
6. Zandor 15. kyu Hawk3d Sighris won with Randolph King lost with Bernhard Herwig ★ won with PZumai won with Grummbunger won with Grummbunger
7. Sighris 12. kyu Zandor Luca Cerrato ★ CommanderHana won with PZumai won with dadiabeachhouse won with sembazuru won with ypercube won with sembazuru
8. tasuki 14. kyu varegka Randolph King won with dadiabeachhouse won with Richard Malaschitz ★ won with ypercube won with eaeaeapepe won with Flegeton
9. Randolph King 13. kyu tasuki lost with Zandor won with sembazuru won with dadiabeachhouse won with dadiabeachhouse won with sembazuru
10. Luca Cerrato ★ 18. kyu Sighris nullptr ★ sai17 won with sembazuru won with galispiar won with galispiar won with sembazuru won with ypercube
11. CommanderHana 18. kyu Sighris won with arimaggod1337 won with Hauke won with OhmsLaw won with OhmsLaw won with richyfourtytwo
12. nullptr ★ 19. kyu Luca Cerrato ★ PZumai Hauke won with OhmsLaw won with Jonathan Abrantes won with GG1427 won with Pragmatic189
13. sai17 20. kyu Luca Cerrato ★
14. Hauke 20. kyu nullptr ★ won with arimaggod1337 lost with CommanderHana
15. PZumai 13. kyu nullptr ★ lost with Bernhard Herwig ★ lost with Sighris lost with Zandor lost with Hawk3d won with Grummbunger
  • Max 1 challenge
  • Max 2 defense
  • Play with the same player after 14 days
  • Challenge up to CEIL(SQRT(order))
  • If challenger won game, overtake his opponent.